Happy 2014 – New Content Soon!

fireworksHappy New Year!  I hope 2014 got off to a rocking start for you.  I’ve been doing  some massive overhaul to the site and it’s looking much sharper! 😉

At the end of 2013, I took a break for a while but I’m ready to start posting again!

In 2014, look for the conclusions of Balance, The Architect’s Guardian and Vaironian Tides.  I’ll also be updating Afterlife, which is a newer story.  Plus, there will be much more!


Status of Current Stories…

I thought I’d give an update about where the current stories are heading.  Balance and Vaironian Tides are winding down, while The Architect’s Guardian has a significant way to go. I’m still determining if the first two stories will have sequels but I’m 80% sure that AG will have one. I’d imagined it as a series. Armando Medina’s awakening to his powers and his relationship with Izdahl are just the start of what happens, in the universe where the AG takes place.